1.To check the present working directory
[root@localhost -]# pwdVerification
/root2. To show the contents of a directory (folder)
[root@localhost -]# lsVerification
anaconda-ks.cfg Desktop install.log ipstall,log.syslog3. To see more details including the permission regarding the contents of a directory (folder)
[root@localhost -]# ls -1
total 76-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 1049 Apr 2 2007 anaconda.cfg
drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 4096 Mar 14 20:13 Desktop
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 46871 Apr 2 2007 install.log
rw-r--r-- 1 root root 5175 Apr 2 2007 inst.syslog
[root@localhost -]# l l
total 76-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 1049 Apr 2 2007 anaconda.cfc
drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 4096 Mar 14 20:13 Desktop
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 46871 Apr 2 2007 install.log
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 5175 Apr 2 2007 inst.syslog
4. To see all contents directory (folder)
.gnome2private .esd_auth .tcshrc
.evolution .thumbnails .fonts.cache-1-
.Trash .gconf .viminfo .gconfd
.Xauthority .gnomeinstall.loc .elinks
.syslog .gstreamer-0.8 anaconda-ks.cfg
.gtkrc .bash_history .gtkrc-1
.2-gnome2 .baskjogout .ICEauthority
.bash_profile .rnd .gnome2
s hidden files
.bashrc install.log
5. To see tree structure of nested directories
[root@localhost -j# is -R /opt
6. To see a file starting from f
[root@localhost-]#ls f*
food fish fool fun final
7. To see a file whose lenth is 6 characters
[root@localhost-]# 1s ?????
Centos fedora Ubuntu packet
8. To create a file
Iroot@localhost -J# cat > filel
hi how are you, how is your zoom
ctr1+d (to save)
9. To see file content
(root@local -1)# cat filel
hi how are you how is your zoom
10. To append a file
,root@localnosL cat >> filel
- very nice
[root@localhost -] # cat filel file2 >> file3
[root@localhost -]# cat file3
11. To create a file using touch command
[root@localhost -]# touch fl f2 f3 f4
[root@localhost -]# ls
anaconda-ks.cfg Desktop install.log install.log.syslog fl f2 f3 f4
12. Creating a single directory
[root@localhost -]# mkdir dir
13. Creating multiple directories
[root@localhost -]# mkdir dirl dir2 dir3 dir4
[root@localhost -]# ls
anaconda-ks.cfq dir' dir2 dir4 f2 f4 file install.log labmanual
Desktop dirl install.log.syslog
f3 filel file:
14. To create nested directories
[root@localhost -]# mkdir -p dl/d2/d3/d4
15. To see the tree structure
[root@localhost -]# ls
dl: d2 dl/d2: d3 dl/d2/d3: d4 dl/d2/d3/d4:
[root@localhost -]#
16. To change a directory
[root@localhost -]# cd dirt
[root@localhost dirl]# cd
[root@localhost -]# cd ../..
[root@localhost /]# cd -/root
[root@localhost -]# pwd /root
[root@localhost -]# cd
[root@localhost -]# pwd /root
[root@localhost -]#
17. To remove files
[root@localhost -]# rm file1
rm: remove regular file 'filel'? y
18. To remove an empty directory
[root@localhost -]# rmdir dirl
[root@localhost -]# ls
anaconda-ks.cfg Desktop dir2 dir4 f2 f4 file3 install.log.syslog dl dir dir3 fl f3 file2 install.log
19. To remove a directory
[root@localhost -]#rm -rf dir
[root@localhost -]#ls
ana4. ins Li
di dir2 dir4 insLall.log.syslog
20. To copy files
[root@localhost -]# cp anaconda-ks.cfg filel
[root@localhost -]# cat filel
21. To copy folders
[root@localhost -]# cp -r dir2 Desktop
[root@localhost -]# ls Desktop
22. To rename directories and files
[root@localhost -]# my dir3 d4
[root@localhost -]# ls
anaconda-ks.cfg d4 install.log.syslog dl Desktop install.log labmanual
dir2 fi f3 filel dir4 f2 f4 file2
23. To move directories and files
[root@localhost -]# my dir2 /opt
[root@localhost -]# ls
anaconda-k3,.cfq d4 dir4 f2 f4 f ile2 insLali.log labmiinual f-T filel file3 di Deskt,J,p fl install.log.syslog
[root@localhost -]# cd /opt
[root@localhost opt]# ls
dir2 zoom
24. To search a word from single or multiple file's
[root@localhost -]# grep tom /etc/passwd /etc/group /etc/gshadow
[root@localhost -]# cat /etc/passwd grep tom
25. To see the type of file
[root@localhost -]# file *
26. To view the date
[root@localhost -]# date
[root@localhost -]# date -s"sat july 15 10:20:10 ist 2013"
Day/mm/dd/hh:mm:ss/year Tue Jul 15 00:06:00 EDT 2013
27. To view the calendar for complete year
[root@localhost -]# cal 12 200
28. To take help of command
[root@localhost -1# man mkdir
29. To see the content screen wise
[root@localhost -1#ls -l /bin | less
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